Some Quotes for Success can be Misleading

UPDATED: 28August2021

Buckle up and let’s get real. We’re gonna burn some bridges today.

The world is full of people who are willing to share with you the recipe for success. It’s all over social media and can even be coming from your family and friends.

Though they may mean well and generally will have your best interest by heart, the advice they give you may have come from knowledge acquired since childhood which for them have become a fact.

Here are some QUOTES that can be misleading and why.

If you are easily offendible? Do take this with a grain of salt. There are no universal truths and everything is questionable. The meaning and application of these changes is based on varied situations.

You shouldn’t just be yourself but YOU should always strive to be the BEST possible version of yourself. You need to be aware of what makes you, YOU.
Just saying be yourself assumes that one is enough just as one is and the world should not only accept your current state but reward you for it.
Once you found who you really are and who you want to be? BE THAT.
If hardwork is the only gauge for success then the world will be run by hardworking manual laborers. Hardwork is important but it ain’t enough in order to be successful.
You need other factors, a competetive advantage so to speak. You have to continue learning, acquire new skills and become adaptable to change.