A Perfect Trication

Talk about the sweetest mango and you’ll think “GUIMARAS” … Talk about a perfect “TRICATiON” … and you’ll think “MANGOMAN”!

Mangoman 2018 swim leg kick-off at 6AM within the compounds of Andana Resort.

Mango prices range from Php 120.00 to Php160.00 per kilo depending on the size and quality.

Mango shake at its best to beat a 38 degree C temperature… a real heat buster and thirst quencher.

At the port leading to Jordan, the gateway to Guimaras Island.

Raymen Beach Resort

The warmth of the locals, the pristine beauty of the beaches, bountiful seafoods, and native delicacies not to mention a cost-efficient budget na “swak to the max” makes this triathlon event a complete package.


Brown out turned candle light dinner with freshly caught Lapu-Lapu fish cooked with sweet and sour sauce and sinigang (sour-soup) courtesy of champ Ronald Molit and his lovely wife Kay. Photo grab from Kay Reyes Molit

We were booked at the Raymen Beach Resort by the race director and was assigned to a room good for four. Nothing fancy but conveniently located near the Mangoman start area at Andana Beach Resort (approximately 500 meters away) with a jam-packed canteen serving good and reasonably priced meal. Not highly recommended if you’re after rest and relaxation as the resort gets fully-booked day in and day out for day trippers and small conferences and functions.

Raymen Beach Resort Guimaras Philippines

A short run inside the magnificent Andana resort  at Poblacion, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, START AREA of Mangoman 2018.


Speaking here as a “TRI-wife”, I’d say that being a supporter is as hard and challenging as one doing the thing. You have to put up with the pre-race jitters, know the logistics and “suffer-wait” along the route or if your lucky enough just at the finish line under extreme hot condition.

Photo grab from Kay Reyes Molit.

Perfect spot to support. 😊

Perfect spot to support… watermelon station.

Run leg (4 km x 4 loops )

At the run turn around point.

To have the start/finish area in two separate locations is a logistic nightmare for any support crew. But given this scenario, the organizers were keen on providing transport from the point of billing to the start area up to the finish line, to include the free shuttle provided for upon arrival and departure to this beautiful island. Missing the shuttle is no big deal though with the accessibility of trikes and jeepneys driving you at top speed.

Trike at TOP speed… (Php 200.00 fare from Raymen Beach resort to the Finish area at the Town municipality approximately 15 kms. in total distance.

I’m glad not to pass up on the free island hopping experience provided for by the local government and the department of Tourism… My photos speak for itself, everything was just breathtaking, no need for filters… Passing through the mangroves and along the clear blue sea makes you think of nat geo documentaries with your toes and fingers crossed hoping and praying that not the same fate befalls to this island resort as that of Boracay.

Mango Ice cream!

The Mangoman race director and our host, Sir Pyt Trimanez’ warm hospitality was way beyond our expectations. You see that his dedication was not confined only to just organizing an event for the sake of organizing but his love for Iloilo and Guimaras simply radiates from deep within reaching to everyone who was there last weekend. Together with everything mentioned herewith, how can i say NO to playing support for the 8th edition of Mangoman come 2019.😉

Thankful always for the gift of friendship both old and new.